From the Pastor's Desk …

Jesus Christ is the Way and the Truth and the Life…what about my Jewish neighbors and my Hindu co-workers? My brother is becoming a Buddhist, what does that even mean? Do we actually believe in the same God as Jews and Muslims?

Questions like these are why I have become passionate about Interfaith work.

In my work, a great resource that I have been recommending is a book called Christianity and World Religions by Adam Hamilton. The author reminds us "At some point in our lives, each of us will be confronted with the claims of persons of other faiths-coworkers, neighbors, friends. Our children will study other faiths in school, have friends who are of other religions, and live in a world that is increasingly diverse."

I believe that Americans have a unique opportunity to learn how to live together in a God-like world where we are not divided by our religious differences but that we live in harmony and are strengthened by our diversity. In order for this to be a strength and not a point of contention, we need to learn about one another and discover our common values and the ways in which we are different.

On Sundays we will look at other faiths from a Christian perspective. The Sunday preaching schedule is as follows-April 25th Questions People Ask about World Religions; May 2nd Judaism; May 9th (break for Mother's Day); May 16th Islam; May 23rd Buddhism; May 30th Hinduism. This sermon series will go a little deeper with a Wednesday night Bible Study/Interfaith dialogue series. Please check-


out the Interfaith Dialogue article for more information about how you can learn more through this week night study. If you would like to order a copy of the book, please see Pastor Jessica. Invite a friend who might not be interested in church but is exploring faith and wants to learn more.

Pastor Jessica

Because of the announcement of Jessica's reassingment she will be delivering a different sermon series, but the Weds night classes on comparative religion will continue as scheduled.

Effortless Giving

Want to give more, but the checkbook is low and time and talent doesn't seem possible because your schedule is over committed? There are two ways you can help RVCC which require a little bit of planning but may also save you money!

1)      Purchase ShopRite gift cards. Everyone needs groceries right? Bring an extra check or cash and purchase ShopRite gift cards in denominations of $ 25 or $ 50 dollars. Five percent of every $ 100 dollars comes back to our church. For a family that spends $ 400 a month on groceries, that's $ 20. All those fives and tens add up.

2)      Join iGive is an Internet shopping mall where the stores give a portion of what you spend to the charity of your choice. More than 700 stores participate including well known names such as Amazon, QVC, Macy's, Home Depot. Etc. A link has been added to the church website for easy access and registration is free. Simply complete the on-line form and download the tool bar from the site and every time you shop on-line, if the merchant participates, the toolbar will show you any coupons available.

I have found this website to be wonderful because I love to shop on line for clothes, used books and gifts for out-of-town family and friends. I am also thinking before I shop now if I can shop online to help RVCC. In the last month with normal purchases I raised almost $ 17.00 for the church!! Each time we accumulate $ 25.00 in donations iGive will send us a check.

I will be bringing in information materials soon, look for information in fellowship hall.

I am your Church Budget (reprinted from United Methodist Relay) - Finance Committee

Through me,

Families are launched in marriage, Persons are baptized- The young are trained in Christian character.

I provided a Church School and youth activities for your children.

I provide music to enroch you worship, and Preaching services to help you live more nobly.

I heat and cool your Church building and keep it in repair for comfort and use. I do your custodial work.

I help train ministers in the seminaries , and I provide assistance to those retired after years of faithful service to God through the Church.

It is through me that the sick find spirtual strength, the troucbled and discourages are steadied.

I go out into the wide workld, preaching the Gospel in every language. I carry the Word to people of every race, color, and clan.

I am your budget. Believe in me; support me that I may carry on in your name. With your help, I make possible all of these services. As the budget, I am you at work.

But I do need your help. I do need your support. Without you to under gird me, I am helpless. You are my foundation, my supporting walls.

Loaves of Love - One Year Anniversary!!! - Lois and Sandy

On April 30th, our Loaves of Love food pantry officially celebrated its one year anniversary. In our first year of operation, we gave out 6,156 pounds of food! That is a lot of love to so many in need. The families that our church has supported would love to give thanks, for without our love and kindness last year would have been a very difficult time. For most of these families, visiting our food pantry is the only time they come to church. This is a way for us to show the love of our father's house and the support and community we offer.

Please continue to support the pantry in any way you are able. Donations may be made in cash, food, personal hygeine items or by helping hands. Help is always needed to carry items, stock shelves or regorganize inventory. A key is available in the front office. Any help would be welcomed.

Sandy and Lois wish thank everyone for their continued intereste and support with food and monetary donations which enables our church to serve the community.




Don't Forget - Mark Your Calendars!!

Spring is Here!!!! And so is spring cleaning. Remember to save the good items for the church to sell at Town Yard Sale. Your past contributions have made this our most uccessful fundraiser of the year! The yard is usually the second week in September.

Join us May 22 for Church Spring cleaning 9a - 12 noon.

June 12 - 9a - 12N - Volunteer at Norwescap Food Bank in Phillipsburg. Meet at church at 8:15a and car pool. See Deb Rosene for details.

June 13 - Walk for All Ages at United Methodists Homes in Ocean Groves. Brochure in Fellowship Hall

Recipe of the Month

Dream Bars - Arlene Lane

From Homemade with Love - Home tested recipes from the members of RVUMC

1 stick butter or margarine

1 ½ C graham crackers crumbs

1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

2c (12 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 ½ C. Flaked coconut

1c. chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a 9 x 13" pan, melt butter. Sprinkle with graham crackers. Pour condensed milk over crumbs. Top with remaining ingredients and and press down firmley with fork. Bake for 25 min. until lightly browned. Cool. Cut into bars and store at room temperature.

Congregation Classifieds - Sell, Swap it, Give it away!

Free to a good home. Oak Barrister style book case with glass doors. Very heavy.

Contact Deb Rosene at 236-9048


May Birthdays; Camille Demech 5/4, Alan Dutka 5/8, Ryan Winship 5/10, Barbara Beecher 5/16, Debbie Cera 5/17 and Joan Alpaugh 5/31


Margaret & Jim Simpson 5/3, Linda & John Drake 5/14

Coming Next month


Prayer Concerns

Please submit your articles or information to Deb Rosene by May 23th. Soft copies preferred, may be emailed to